LA AUDIO GC400 | Comp/Gate 2 canali
The GC400 is a professional dual channel
compressor/noise gate that can be operated as 4
separate processors or independantly linked for
stereo applications. In Link mode, Gate/Compressor 1 provide Master control and
'rms summing' is used throughout to ensure that
signals from both the linked channels affect compression or gating equally.
The compressor sections have fully variable
controls for Threshold, Ratio, Release and Gain.
Compression slope can be switched between
Hard or Soft knee and Attack/Release can be fully
Auto or program dependant Attack with manually
adjustable Release. Each channel also has a
sidechain insert jack.
Gain Reduction is displayed via an 8 segment LED bargraph.
The gate sections have variable controls for Filter
Frequency, Threshold and Release. Range is
switchable to provide either full muting or more
subtle signal attenuation. Attack can be selected
between Fast or Slow and release is manually
adjustable. High and Low pass sidechain filters
are included and can be used for a wide range of
frequency conscious gating applications.
Led indicators are provided for Above/Below
Threshold, External Key, Bypass and Link.
All inputs and outputs are electronically balanced
and can be switched between +4dBu and -10dBV
operating levels.